As a Centre we continually strive to work collaboratively with and communicate openly to our parent body. Together we create a ‘learning community’, where parents and families can share their unique insights into your child's development, background, interests and needs - adding a layer of richness to the programs and experiences that we create and implement.
We understand that life can be busy and drop off and pick up time is not always the best time to speak with your child's educators. We are happy to arrange a more suitable time for a meeting, or alternatively you can leave a message for educators - either in the Communication Book or by sending an email directly to our Centre.
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Information relating to each child's experiences is maintained on a daily basis. For children in our younger age groups this information will include details of toilet, sleep patterns and food intake. Your child's educators can provide more information on the type of records that are maintained and show you where these records can be found.
We produce a newsletter on a regular basis as a way of sharing upcoming events and other important Centre information. We also have parent noticeboard displayed throughout our Centre - and have the ability to send group reminders by email.
Your child will be given a pocket when they start at our Centre. Please remember to check your pocket regularly as they are another way we communicate with our Centre community.
From time to time our Centre hosts students and volunteers. These visitors are screened before they can interact with the children - and at no time are they left unsupervised. If you have any questions about these visitors please speak with one of our educators.