Support Structure
Aussie Kids Kindergarten employs a team of Managers to work alongside our educators. Our Managers are able to support educators and monitor the level of service at our Centre, ensuring that we consistently provide a high level of care for every child.
Staffing Arrangements
It is the team of dedicated staff at our Centre that makes the early learning experience for your child so special. Each member of the team is carefully screened before they start working at our Centre. All of our educators are early childhood professionals who have a genuine desire to help each child reach their full potential.
We have a pool of regular relief educators to ensure that your child continues to enjoy the same standard of care while permanent educators are absent.
The National Quality Standard
The National Quality Framework, which includes a new National Quality Standard, was agreed for all early childhood services by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). Being progressively implemented from July 2010, the Framework is designed to help services to provide the best level of early childhood education and care.
The National Quality Standard is divided into seven areas that contribute to the quality of early childhood education and care:
- 1. Educational program and practice
- 2. Children’s health and safety
- 3. Physical environment
- 4. Staffing arrangements
- 5. Relationships with children
- 6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
- 7. Leadership and service management.
Detailed information about the National Quality Framework and National Quality Standards can be accessed through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website